.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

what should we do???


-->we must now focusing on the prevention programs towards the regions and categories of population with increased risks of dumping...

the "KAMI PRIHATIN" campaign was timely as such initiative was important under the present situation...

-->setting up a coherent reporting and monitoring system as regards the dumping and the risk of abandonment...

TALIAN NUR HOTLINE 15999 should be use properly and not make crank calls..

-->standardising the written forms and the procedures of registering women which get admitted in maternities in order to give birth..

-->elaborating procedures for keeping records of mothers and children without identity papers and creating a database on this matter..

what else???hmmmm...~

prevention method?

what are the steps taken to prevent such cases from recurring????

is there a deterrent to discourage young people from committing this offence??

our govt,the police would classify those found responsible for babies who die would be investigated for murder while abandoned babies found alive would be investigated as attemped murder...and causing the infant's death,if found guilty,the punishment for murder is death penalty.....

well,should every baby dumping cases tried as a murder cases???hmmmmmmm~